Services and Products

If you are interested in working with me, contact me directly at and we can discuss what you need and how you best get it. I can support and train you face-to-face and online. Some examples of what past activities and trainings:


Online training – Net-Map data entry & analysis (Oct 5th & Oct 12th, 2013)

This training is for participants of the August Net-Map workshop. Please register here –

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First Net-Map Summer School in Vicenza, Italy,

20-21 and 27-28 of June 2011

The first Net-Map summer school in Europe is open to anyone who is interested in getting a better understanding of complex issues that involve many different actors with different goals and power. You will learn Net-Map by using your concrete case studies, so that you can apply it to your context right after the training. Each participant is entitled to a 1 hour Skype/phone consultation for their future Net-Map project, redeemable within 6 months of the training.
You will also learn how to enter the data in a social network analysis software and gain understanding of most important social network analysis measures. You do not need prior knowledge of social network analysis.
The summer school will take place in Vicenza, a beautiful Italian town, part of UNESCO’s World Heritage, very close to Venice.

Have a look at the detailed program and sign up!

Brown Bag Seminar

Duration: 1-1 1/2 hours

What you get: I will introduce Net-Map, how it works, give examples of case studies and we will discuss: How could you use it in your context?

What you can do with it: You know the basics and  can decide if you want to know more. You might start reading and experimenting on your own or invite me for more…

Half day, hands-on Net-Map training

Duration: 3-5 Hours

What you get: I will introduce Net-Map, how it works and give examples of case studies. You will get a hands-on experience in drawing a Net-Map about an issue that is relevant to you. Learn how you develop the right question, facilitate a Net-Map session, and read the map.

What you can do with it: After this training you can go out and start drawing your own Net-Maps. You will have a training in the step-by-step process and can start getting your feet wet. However, half a day is not enough to teach you data entry, so you will be pen-and-paper based for now.

Additional benefit: By mapping a case relevant to you, you will learn something important about this concrete network situation and might start implementing strategic changes right away.

Net-Map and Data Entry Training

Duration: Depending on pre-knowledge, group size and depth of training desired, 1-3 Days

What you get:I will introduce Net-Map, how it works, give examples of case studies. You will learn Net-Map facilitation by mapping a case that is relevant to you. You will learn how to enter the qualitative and quantitative data, computer based network visualization,  basic quantitative social network analysis procedures and how to present a compelling network story. We will discuss your concrete planned use of Net-Map and can develop an implementation strategy if desired.

What you can do with it: Now you know how to draw a Net-Map and how to deal with the resulting data. That makes it easier to share what happened in the Net-Map session with external audiences (donors, supervisors, peers), do deeper analysis and store the results for future reference (e.g. for monitoring, comparison).

Developing and Implementing a Net-Map project together

Duration: Depends on project. If you (or hired facilitators) are the main implementers on the ground, a 5 day training and pre-testing session is a good way to kick-start the activity. Add some days of preparation beforehand and some more for analyzing your results.

What you get: Depends on project. For example:  in the field training, pre-testing and revision of Net-Map intervention. Structuring of tailor-made approach for your specific situation, data analysis and report. Typical projects would be: Monitoring of a development project, planning for a marketing strategy, facilitation of collaboration between groups, strategic positioning analysis.

What you can do with it: You get help in the most difficult part of Net-Mapping: Fitting it to the concrete situation at hand. It is straightforward to learn the 5 steps of drawing a Net-Map, but we have learned that the devil is truly in the detail: Adapting the method to the situation on the ground and to answer exactly the questions you have.  Come back confused from your first pre-test and together we will figure out exactly what happened and what we need to change…

Facilitation of strategic planning sessions

Duration: A half day to one day can do for exploring the problem landscape. If you have a more involved process, you might want to have repeated sessions (every 6 months? every year?) to stay on track and continue strategic influence networking.

What you get: Together with those people who matter (you invite them) we will draw a strategic Net-Map to figure out what the situation is today, who supports your goals, who slows you down, where the bottlenecks and opportunities are. Then we will develop a concrete networking vision for everyone involved and the team as a whole. People will leave the room with a concrete to-do list, if desired. Repeated sessions will explore if the network developed the way intended.

What you can do with it: Strategic Net-Map planning sessions bring teams closer together, facilitate knowledge exchange, spur enthusiasm and allow you to truly benefit from everyones complex knowledge of the situation. In the process participants will learn how to draw a Net-Map but the main focus of this event is not on learning a method but on solving your problems and moving your endeavor to the next level.

Personal Strategic Network Planning:

Duration: One or multiple ca. 3 hour sessions

What you get: Who influences your success (present, past, future)? That is the question we will look at in this individual Net-Mapping session. In a quiet and contemplative atmosphere you will have a look at the complex personal and professional, positive and negative networks that you are embedded in. Are you where you want to be? Who can help you, who might hamper your progress? Do you need to add someone to your network? How can you refresh old relations? Are there relations you should cut out, because they hold you back? Who is most influential in the mix?

What you can do with it: Putting everyone on a map is a deeply satisfying and clarifying exercise that will help you to think about why you are where you are, where you want to go and who can help you get there. You will see that your network is much more complex than you might have thought and by looking at it as a whole, you can see how it is structured and what needs to change so that you can get to where you really want to be. After one session you will know the process. Then you can decide if you prefer to continue on your own or if you enjoy the dialog and probing question of a Net-Map session with me.


8 Responses

  1. I need the updated information regarding this site.

  2. Pls let me know how to access the software or platform

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